A First

Public Workshop: Can novel aircraft concepts be disruptive and sustainable?

Date: Nov. 7, 2024 - Nov. 7, 2024
Location: VUB U-Residence, Green Room, 271 Blvd General Jacques Brussels, 1050, Belgium
Contact: secretariat@vki.ac.be

A Third
A Third

The ENODISE Final Public Workshop  entitled "Can novel aircraft concepts be disruptive and sustainable?" will take place at the VUB U-Residence, Green Room on Thursday 7th November 2024.


Green Room, VUB U-Residence
Blvd General Jacques 271, 1050 Brussels

For more information, please contact enodise@h2020.eu




Welcome Address


Presentation of the benchmark databases: Boundary Layer Ingestion


Tonal and broadband noise emission by a low-Mach number low-Reynolds number propeller ingesting a boundary layer
S. Guerin (DLR) & T. Lade (DLR)


Aeroacousic experimental investigation of a rotor ingesting an adverse pressure gradient boundary layer
I. Zaman (University of Bristol)


High-resolution computational modelling of installed propeller noise
S. Karabasov (GPU-Prime)/H. Abid (GPU-Prime)


Investigation of boundary layer ingestion effects on ducted propeller aeroacoustics
M. Daroukh (ONERA)


Coffee Break


Presentation of the benchmark databases: Distributed electric propulsion


On the importance of interference in distributed propulsion systems
S. Guerin (DLR)/ T. Lade (DLR)


Modelling of Over-The-Wing Propulsion at Incidence: Aeropropulsive and Aeroacoustic Performance
H. Dekker (NLR/TU Delft)


Synchrophasing Impact on Noise Emission from Distributed Propellers in Tractor Configuration
F. Do Nascimento Monteiro (TU Delft)


Lunch Break


Presentation of the benchmark databases: Multi-rotor systems
Chairman: J. Christophe (VKI)


Database for open and shrouded contra-rotating propellers
A. Bresciani (VKI)


LBM Simulations of Shrouded and Unshrouded Coaxial Rotors
G. Reboul (ONERA)


The contribution of ENODISE to H2020


Coffee Break


Master Students Competition Award Ceremony


Roundtable Discussion on lessons learned and guidelines

There is no eligibility criteria to participate in this workshop.

Sales Conditions:

  • Please follow this link to access our sales conditions.

  • On-site Normal Registration 100.0
    On-site Student Registration (Proof Needed) 80.0
    on-site Special Registration 0.0

    *Fees are VAT included.

    *Additional Discounts (if applicable, i.e. Nato membership) are applied at checkout.

    Public Workshop: Can novel aircraft concepts be disruptive and sustainable?

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