A First

Multidisciplinary Design Optimization 2024

Date: Sept. 9, 2024 - Sept. 13, 2024
Location: von Karman Insitute on-site / online, , ,
Contact: secretariat@vki.ac.be

A Third
A Third

Innovative optimization and design techniques for modern aircraft (manned or UAV/UCAV) and engine systems aiming at maximum performance in a multidisciplinary context (aerodynamic efficiency, safety, drag, losses, weight, strength, heat fluxes, emission, noise, …), are now rapidly moving from research labs to industrial real and virtual platforms. To reach concurrently this level of excellence, emergent optimization methodologies require more and more robust and efficient associated software for a daily use in industrial collaborative design environments.

This  course intends to provide the basic concepts and tools behind this technology, both in single discipline (single point or multi point design) and multidisciplinary (fluid-structure interaction, fluid-acoustics, conjugate heat transfer, …) context. Subjects which will be treated in detail include: gradient based and steepest descent methods, adjoint methods, one shot or goal oriented methods, evolutionary/differential evolution algorithms on parallel environments, game strategies like Pareto Fronts and Nash Equilibrium, parameterization, surrogate and reduced-order modeling (Radial Basis functions, Artificial Neural Networks, Kriging …), multifidelity modeling approaches, robust design, …

The content of this Course is oriented towards junior and experienced engineers and researchers involved in the field of multi disciplinary design and looking for innovative numerical solutions - or set of solutions- for complex multi criteria optimization problems.

The Lecture Series directors are Prof. Jacques Périaux, from CIMNE/Univ. Politecnica de Catalunya and Prof. Tom Verstraete from the von Karman Institute.

You can register for an online participation. You will receive a 10% discount.

Early bird registration deadline: 9 July 2024

Registration deadline for on-site participation: 26 August 2024

Registration deadline for online participation: 2 September 2024

Monday 9 September 2024

8:30 Welcome

9:00 Introduction to optimization and multidisciplinary design I
Prof. Tom Verstraete, von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics/ Gent Universiteit, Belgium

10:30 Coffee break

11:00 Introduction to optimization and multidisciplinary design II
Prof. Tom Verstraete, von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics/ Gent Universiteit, Belgium

12:30 Lunch

14:00 Aerodynamic shape optimization of turbomachinery components - an industrial perspective I
Dr. Marcus Meyer, Rolls Royce Deutschland, Germany

15:15 Coffee break

15:45 Aerodynamic shape optimization of turbomachinery components - an industrial perspective II
Dr. Marcus Meyer, Rolls Royce Deutschland, Germany

17:00 Reception

Tuesday 10 September 2024

9:00 Efficient sensitivity computation using automatic differentiation
Dr. Jens-Dominik Mueller, Queen Mary University of London, United Kingdom

10:30 Coffee break

11:00 CAD-based parametrisations for adjoint optimisation
Dr. Jens-Dominik Mueller, Queen Mary University of London, United Kingdom

12:30 Lunch

14:00 Theoretical background for aerodynamic shape optimization
Dr. John Vassberg, JetZero , USA and Prof. Antony Jameson, Texas A&M University, USA

15:15 Coffee break

15:45 Industrial applications of aerodynamic shape optimization
Dr. John Vassberg, JetZero , USA and Prof. A. Jameson, Texas A&M University, USA

Wednesday 11 September 2024

09:00 Speed up of hybridized games strategies/Evolutionary algorithms and their applications to aeronautics
Prof. Jacques Périaux, CIMNE/UPC, Spain and Univ. of Jyvaskyla, Finland

10:30 Coffee break

11:00 Adjoint approaches in aerodynamic shape optimization and MDO context, Part I
Prof. Nicolas Gauger, TU Kaiserslautern, Germany

12:30 Lunch

14:00 Adjoint approaches in aerodynamic shape optimization and MDO context, Part II
Prof. Nicolas Gauger, TU Kaiserslautern, Germany

15:15 Coffee break

15:45 CAD-based multidisciplinary optimization of turbomachinery components by gradient-based methods I
Prof. Tom Verstraete, von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics/ Gent Universiteit, Belgium

Thursday 12 September 2024

09:00 The Continuous adjoint method in aerodynamic optimization, with applications
Prof. Kyriakos Giannakoglou, National TU of Athens, Greece

10:30 Coffee break

11:00 Low-Cost evolutionary optimization, with engineering applications
Prof. Kyriakos Giannakoglou, National TU of Athens, Greece

12:30 Lunch

14:00 Differentiable shape optimization
Prof. Olivier Pironneau, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, France

15:15 Coffee break

15:45 CAD-based multidisciplinary optimization of turbomachinery components by gradient-free methods II
Prof. Tom Verstraete, von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics/ Gent Universiteit, Belgium

Friday 13 September 2024

09:00 Adaptive surrogate modelling for global optimization in aerodynamic design, part I
Prof. Richard Dwight, TU Delft, The Netherlands

10:30 Coffee break

11:00 Adaptive surrogate modelling for global optimization in aerodynamic design, part II
Prof. Richard Dwight, TU Delft, The Netherlands

12:30 Lunch

14:00 Sensitivity-based Multi-Fidelity Multidisciplinary Design Optimization with Illustrative Applications to Aircraft Design
Prof. Dr. Stefan Görtz, Mohammad Abu-Zurayk, Caslav Ilic and Cornelia Grabe, DLR, Germany

15:15 Coffee break

15:45 Machine learning for fluid mechanics - Challenges, opportunities and perspectives
Prof. Miguel Mendez, von Karman Institute, Belgium

17:00 End of the lecture series

Check out our eligibility criteria

Special reduction

Rebates can be given for group subscriptions along the following scheme :

- 5 persons of the same organization -2%
- 10 persons of the same organization -5%
- 20 persons of the same organization -10%

Sales Conditions:

  • Please follow this link to access our sales conditions.

  • on-site - Undergraduate Students (Proof Needed) 350.0
    on-site - PhD Students (Proof Needed) 960.0
    on-site - Recognized Universities / Research Center 1520.0
    on-site - Commercial Organizations 1920.0
    on-site - Special Registration 0.0
    on-site - Lecturer 0.0
    online - Undergraduate Students (Proof Needed) 315.0
    online - PhD Students (Proof Needed) 864.0
    online - Recognized Universities / Research Center 1368.0
    online - Commercial Organizations 1728.0
    online - Special Registration 0.0
    online - Lecturer 0.0

    *Fees are VAT included.

    *Additional Discounts (if applicable, i.e. Nato membership) are applied at checkout.

    Multidisciplinary Design Optimization 2024

    By purchasing this product you agree with our sales conditions.