A First

Workshop SmartAnswer

Date: Nov. 26, 2020 - Nov. 26, 2020
Location: Online
Contact: debeer@vki.ac.be
Phone: +3223599604

A Third
A Third

An online workshop on the H2020 project "SmartAnswer:Smart mitigation of flow-induced acoustic radiation and transmission for reduced aircraft, surface transport, workplaces and wind energy noise" is organized on Thursday 26 November from 9:00 to 17:00. This workshop is free and open to the public. If you are not registred to the lecture series "Advanced concepts for the reduction of flow-induced noise generation, propagation and transmissionitself, there is a specific registration for the workshop only. For the participants to the lecture series, it is not needed to register to the workshop.

Thursday 26 November 2020 9:00-17:00 - SmartAnswer Workshop

  • Recapitulation on the main results of the project
  • Industrial perspectives for the new technologies
  • Feedback from Advisory Board
  • Recommendations for future research and development

The citizens of the following countries are eligible to attend the von Karman Institute Lecture Series:

- EU member countries
- NATO member countries
- NATO's Mediterranean Dialogue (Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Mauritania, Morocco, Tunisia)
- Istanbul Cooperation Initiative (Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, United Arab Emirates)
- Argentina, Australia, Bolivia, Brazil, Cabo Verde, Cameroon, Chile, Colombia, Japan, India, Indonesia, Macedonia, Malaysia, Mauritania, Mexico, Montenegro, Mozambique, New Zealand, Nigeria, Republic of Korea, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Singapore, South Africa, Switzerland, Thailand, Uruguay, South-Africa and Vietnam.

VKI reserves the right to request a clearance check with Belgian authorities.

The participants will have to present their ID card (for EU citizens) or passport (for other citizens) the first day of the lecture series.

Sales Conditions:

  • Please follow this link to access our sales conditions.

  • Special Registration 0.0

    *Fees are VAT included.

    *Additional Discounts (if applicable, i.e. Nato membership) are applied at checkout.

    Workshop SmartAnswer

    By purchasing this product you agree with our sales conditions.